Repetitive is behaviors may have given you mental and emotional relief from the stress that was taking place around you and within. Repeating certain behaviors are a distraction from your circumstances and how you feel. When you feel unsafe, threatened or out of control, you revert to an action or habit that made you feel safe in the past. This behavior or pattern has survival pattern within a moment of trauma.
You may have experienced a childhood where mood swings, abuse and verbal attacks were random and very unpredictable. You are still holding to the old trauma as a result of being at the receiving end of unpredictable moods. This made you become paranoid, afraid and living in fear, as you never know what may happen next.
Get a permanent solution for your OCD that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to