You are pushing towards expectations that have been projected onto you. You feel a lack of freedom in your life. You feel you have to pretend to be strong and you are burdened by his façade. You often feel obligated to do things you do not enjoy, turning every risk into burden.
You feel your lack of personal power and are stuck between others conflicts always trying to restore the peace.
Get a permanent solution for your frequent Shoulder Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to
Sincerely yours,