Friday, November 29, 2019

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
You have experienced a traumatic event and haven’t completed the trauma; instead it has been suppressed. You want to escape your emotions and instead of improving your situation, you effectively make it worse. You are using great deal of energy to keep this trauma at bay. The symptoms of trauma are or were too painful to deal with.
Your ability to feel safe has been challenged in a way that you have never experienced before. People with whom you should have felt safe have betrayed your trust and may have caused great emotional stress. You have been exposed to unsafe circumstances. These types of circumstances triggered a survival instinct such as fight, flight or feeling frozen. In this case, your flight and fight instincts have been triggered. This has made you continuously nervous, always on the lookout for danger. Always being alert is what has kept you safe during traumatic times. 

Get a permanent solution for your PTSD that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

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