Friday, November 29, 2019

Neck Pain

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Neck Pain 

Dear Mind,
You seem to be rigid and need to control the outcome of everything you do. You feel that if you do not have the ability to control the environment. Everything will go wrong.
You have taken too much responsibility with the intention of being helping, while at the same time being appreciated and recognised.
Your deep need for love and acceptance is not met and your efforts, time and energy are used and abused by people. 
You are not comfortable expressing your dislike of a situation or person. You feel obligated to move forward in a direction that does not resonate with you.
You are often analytic and avoid feelings of the heart. The less you know about the hear the safer you feel. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Nerve Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

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