Friday, November 29, 2019

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
You have experienced a traumatic event and haven’t completed the trauma; instead it has been suppressed. You want to escape your emotions and instead of improving your situation, you effectively make it worse. You are using great deal of energy to keep this trauma at bay. The symptoms of trauma are or were too painful to deal with.
Your ability to feel safe has been challenged in a way that you have never experienced before. People with whom you should have felt safe have betrayed your trust and may have caused great emotional stress. You have been exposed to unsafe circumstances. These types of circumstances triggered a survival instinct such as fight, flight or feeling frozen. In this case, your flight and fight instincts have been triggered. This has made you continuously nervous, always on the lookout for danger. Always being alert is what has kept you safe during traumatic times. 

Get a permanent solution for your PTSD that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
You feel blocked when connecting to your feminine side. It is one thing to show/project it, but its an entire different scenario to feel it and connect to it. 
You have had periods in your life when you have had more masculine. You were often relied to cope with stressful circumstances.
You have seen your mother helpless in her life due to too many expectations and responsibilities. This may be the reason for challenging relationships issues, jealousy towards a child or not being able to cope up with her life.
You had to remain strong and be a shoulder to cry on. You may be confused as to what your actual role in the family should be. Looking back, you realize that you have been playing the role of victim due to circumstances, which required you to step into certain roles into which you felt trapped. You have held high level of responsibility from a very young age. 

Get a permanent solution for your PCOS that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to

Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)
Repetitive is behaviors may have given you mental and emotional relief from the stress that was taking place around you and within. Repeating certain behaviors are a distraction from your circumstances and how you feel.  When you feel unsafe, threatened or out of control, you revert to an action or habit that made you feel safe in the past. This behavior or pattern has survival pattern within a moment of trauma. 
You may have experienced a childhood where mood swings, abuse and verbal attacks were random and very unpredictable. You are still holding to the old trauma as a result of being at the receiving end of unpredictable moods. This made you become paranoid, afraid and living in fear, as you never know what may happen next.

Get a permanent solution for your OCD that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Nail Biting

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Nail Biting
You seem to feel very unsecure in your environment and relationships. You have a fear of expressing your anger because in your experience, aggressive people were often attached and abandoned. You have been a part of a stressful family that never quite got everything under control in life. You have seen influential people go off the wall when they felt overwhelmed, out of control or angry. This made you feel very scared, unprotected and confused.
Nail biting gives you emotional relief from the stress that is taking place around you. Biting the nails is a distraction from your environment and an indirect outlet of anger that you are too afraid to voice. When you feel unsafe, threatened or angry you bite your nails.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Nail Biting that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 


Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Menopause
You seem to have a fear of aging., being undesirable or not being needed anymore. You often feel resentful towards men as you don’t feel desired anymore. You believe that after you have reached menopause there is no turning back. “I am getting old now, my days of fun are over.” Your value and purpose in life feels challenged by this condition. Many women express their value by fertility and once that has stopped, they feel they have no purpose. Even though you may not have had children, knowing that you have the power to bear a child is empowering. It could feel like an ending of your purpose and value in life. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Menopause that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Menstrual Problems

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Menstrual Problems
You cannot accept who you are along the feminine qualities. You may see it as a disadvantage. You seem to resent the process that women have to go through. You may also be engaged in a battle of wills with your mother. There seems to be power game played back and forth. You may resent your mother due to a confused or dysfunctional upbringing and feel that your parents should have known better.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Menstrual Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Kidney Problems

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Kidney Problems
The kidney store a great deal of anger and resentment. You often feel very upset due to old abandonment and rejection trauma. You seem to always expect the worst. You may have found yourself in a situation or partnership that is triggering old abandonment and rejection trauma the fear surfaces in the form of resentment and anger. Anger and resentment is your most powerful defense and keeps threatening situations and people at bay. You use resentment to fight against challenges. You often feel you have wasted time chasing unsuccessful relationships and goals. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Kidney Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 


Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Endometriosis
You have suppressed your creativity and passion in life. You might have a fear of having children, as your own childhood experience may have been traumatic. You have a fear your childhood history may repeat itself. You may also be attached to your independence, as this is where you feel most powerful. 
You seem to feel quite resentful of being a female, always pulling short end of the rope in society. You have seen women treated unfairly, abused or disrespected, causing you to try and avoid experiencing the same.
There is often a big conflict between what you see, how you feel and how you should express it. Often you choose to suppress yourself, as you have been introduced to the collective consciousness that women cannot speak-up.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Endometriosis Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Bladder Problem

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Bladder Problem

People store a great deal of their daily emotional irritations in their bladder and in the urinary tract. When a person in overwhelmed with a lot of stress, irritation or feeling pissed off, it can physically surface in these areas. Bladder problems often start when a person is trying really hard to resist being controlled by an authority figure. This could be boss, mother, father or sibling. 
You may have had a conflicting relationship with an authority figure (often a father figure if you are a female). An influential figure in your life may have given you a chance to fully express yourself, leaving you a feeling powerless. You feel extremely irritated by repeating itself in your adult life. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Bladder Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Digestive problem

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Digestive Problem
You have experienced circumstances and people’s reaction toward you in a very intense manner. You have many communication blocks with the family and feel misunderstood. You access you motivation and passion from a fighting instinct, which causes more tension than necessary. The instincts are activated by old trauma, causing you to make decisions that result in self-sabotaging patterns. 
Tension, fear, uncertainty and a desire to not rock the boat in the family seem to be key points. You have old suppressed anger and resentment that is being triggered by the current circumstances. The majority of your childhood has been filled with tension and lack of freedom. 
You have negative connotations towards personal relationships, as you feel people cannot be trusted. You may feel that others are only out there to get you and do not have your best interest at heart. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Digestive Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Stomach Pain

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Stomach Pain
You feel obligated to accept the families emotional burden. This is a result of feeling obligated to make up for being a bad person or causing problems. The family did not exercise healthy boundaries. One persons problem was everyone else’s problem and those who did not suffer along with the rest, were considered unsupportive and were punished or isolate.
Dominant figures may have projected their own need for power, control and manipulative agendas at you. You feel a great deal of anger, resentment, bitterness or rage. Your anger, bitterness or negative thinking is eating away at you; you are not possessing these emotions. Instead you use the anger as a weapon to ward off the dominant and manipulative people.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Stomach Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Acid Reflux | Heart Burns

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Acid Reflux | Heart Burns
The circumstances you are dealing with are emotionally and mentally unhealthy for you, you cannot literally cannot stomach them.! You have a fear of confronting people who challenge you and as a result, you have set poor personal boundaries, which get in the way of expressing yourself clearly. You often find people walk all over you, leaving you frustrated and resentful. You are filled with doubts and question your ability to successfully change difficult circumstances that no longer work. You are afraid of changing anything in your life, including any patterns, habits and survival instincts that still serve you. You fear of being alone has allowed you to remain in unhealthy relationship’s, rather than face being on your own.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Heart Burn spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Heart Disease

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Heart Disease
Heart Disease are often related to feeling challenged around the love topic (heart mind) and territory (home/personal space and role in family). It also relates to a need to be in charge of your environment. Your ability to step that role has been challenged by influential people or a partner. You are in conflict with those who are closest to you, feeling like you have to fight to be acknowledged, respected and validated.
You put others need before your own, often having trouble finding the balance between meting your needs and helping others. This can be extremely difficult if you are the breadwinner of the family. 
You need to be in control of everything but are often suppressed by a headstrong partner or influential person. Receiving support from others makes you feel weak and incompetent. You may feel insignificant and work extra hard to be acknowledged and accepted by influential people. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Heart Disease spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 


Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Anxiety
Anxiety is caused by unresolved trauma that has piled up. The anxiety is surfacing to push you to change certain patterns and resolve unresolved problems. Anxiety can sometimes take the form of excessive worrying, feeling a sense of urgency, panic or mild paranoia. You may find yourself restless, edgy or tensed, having difficulty sleeping and mind your racing from one through to another. You often worry about everyday things, such as work, finances and family. You don’t know when to relax and when its valid to worry
People who have social anxiety are afraid of social gatherings and often feel that people are staring or sizing them up. Being the center of attention is your worst nightmare. You often have fear of being alone as it adds up to your anxiety. You may be scared to be outside the home alone, of being in the crowd or standing in a line.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Anxiety spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Fused Spine Pain in Men

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Fused Spine Pain in Men


Dear Mind,
You are breadwinner, however you feel unable to give your family what they need and deserve. You often feel you have more problems than you can deal with along with balancing the responsibilities of father, husband or leader. You might feel responsible for some financial loss. This could be related to ancestral trauma where they lost money and status.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Fused Spine Pain in Men spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

Fused Spine Pain in Women

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Fused Spine Pain in Women


Dear Mind,
Trauma related to not able to conceive a child. Feeling responsible; like a failure in the eyes of your partner, mother or father. You feel you have to compensate for these failures in other ways (doing things/activity) that do not resonate with you being you happy. Members of your family are often financially successful and you try to be an equal to their status. This creates more stress in your life. You may have guilt related to not being good enough.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Fused Spine Pain in Women spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

Lower Back

Root cause for Lower Back Pain

Lower back problems are often an indication of financial problems and feeling financially responsible for others. Pain here is triggered when there is no clear structure in financial affairs. You may feel confused as to what you responsibilities are and what they should be.
You often feel a burden by keeping the peace and balance in the household. You may back discernment as to when you should act as a provider, when to emotionally support and when to just be a facilitator and support.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Lower Back Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Middle Back

Your BODY is talking to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?

Root cause for Middle Back Pain


You feel unable to escape feelings related to sadness and depression. Bad times now overshadow the good times. Others needs are more important than yours. You are loosing sight of personal progress and feel like you have no role in life, just missed opportunities to feel responsible for the wellbeing of your parents, in charge of keeping the peace.
You feel you are stuck at the bottom of the family ladder. There may also be a great deal of tension in intimate relationship. Influential people have pointed out your weakness, which cause you to obsess over and compensate for perceived failure.
There is often a big fear of change, such as moving away from unhealthy relationships, work related matters and residence. You have learned how to cope in negative and challenging circumstance. You have learned how to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Middle Back Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
For appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Shoulder Pain

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Shoulder Pain


Dear Mind,
You are pushing towards expectations that have been projected onto you. You feel a lack of freedom in your life. You feel you have to pretend to be strong and you are burdened by his façade. You often feel obligated to do things you do not enjoy, turning every risk into burden. 
You feel your lack of personal power and are stuck between  others conflicts always trying to restore the peace.

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Shoulder Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

Upper back

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Upper Back Pain 

Dear Mind,
You have heard enough of unwanted opinions and wanted to follow your own path and stick to your own opinion. People have projected their own personal agenda on to you in the past. This may have resulted in only hearing what you want to hear which us knows as selective hearing
You feel suppressed and humiliated by bullies or influential people. This stems from an unsupportive, dominant and manipulative childhood where only the breadwinner was respected and allowed to get away with abusive behavior. 
Ancestral trauma related to carrying heavy loads over a long distance. They may have felt disempowered, unsupported and abandoned by authority figure. Trauma may have been locked in the spine and muscles when ancestors shielded themselves from physical attack

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Upper Back Pain spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

Neck Pain

"A LETTER" by your body......

Root cause for Neck Pain 

Dear Mind,
You seem to be rigid and need to control the outcome of everything you do. You feel that if you do not have the ability to control the environment. Everything will go wrong.
You have taken too much responsibility with the intention of being helping, while at the same time being appreciated and recognised.
Your deep need for love and acceptance is not met and your efforts, time and energy are used and abused by people. 
You are not comfortable expressing your dislike of a situation or person. You feel obligated to move forward in a direction that does not resonate with you.
You are often analytic and avoid feelings of the heart. The less you know about the hear the safer you feel. 

Get a permanent solution for your frequent Nerve Problem spells that are being major obstacles in your daily life.
Contact for appointment with Shetal Chavan, NLP coach certified from the federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A on (+91) 8806688226. For more information log on to 

Sincerely yours,

Battle out quarantine stress

Battle out quarantine stress   As the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, we have to quar...